Oregon Coast Wasp and Bee Management

In The Oregon Coast and the surrounding area, we have removed hundreds if not thousands of wasp and bee nests from restaurants and residential buildings. While they can set up shop in many different places, flying insects like wasps and bees are drawn to open areas like kitchens, living rooms, barbecue grills, and hardwood stoves. They frequently build their nests in attics, window sills, and other spaces where they have enough space to do their business.

Quick and Effective Removal of Bees and Wasps

Wasp colonies, which resemble bee hives, can form rapidly and contain up to 100,000 wasps or more. Get them out as quickly as possible if a hive-like structure poses a serious threat. Wherever the original queen is located, they can begin establishing new colonies. We employ a few effective methods to get rid of the wasp and bee nest that makes these bad-bee dwellings.

Safety is a Concern and Early Treatment is Important

Our clients are our first concern at all times, and we are passionate about the work we do. Many people are allergic to the stings of bees and wasps so it’s important to avoid them and call us for help! We will apply the proper treatment to your house, eliminating the wasps and bees as well as destroying the nest so they won’t come back. It takes time to remove wasps and bees from your home, so it’s critical to contact Pete’s as soon as you can. To arrange a time and date for us to remove them for you, give us a call now.

We have the newest tools and methods at Petes Oregon Coast Pest Control to get rid of wasps and bees in your house. Our experienced crew is very skilled in their removal and do our very best to make sure you won’t have a problem again.

Bees and Wasps are not just an annoyance they can be somewhat dangerous. These pests can sting painfully and pose a threat. It can be hazardous to have wasps or bees near your house. Here are several justifications for getting rid of them:

You can get stung by bees, and their stings can hurt a lot. Although wasps can attack you as well, their stings hurt considerably more than bee stings. Some people may also experience severe allergic responses from bees or wasps.
Wasps and bees can both cause harm to your property. They may construct nests inside your walls or elsewhere on your property, which can lead to structural problems. By creating holes in them, they can also destroy other items you own, like outdoor furniture.

Large wasps called bald-faced hornets typically nest in trees and build their massive nests from mottled gray paper. These wasps can attack you severely and are highly aggressive. Avoid stepping on these wasps.

Usually found on building overhangs, paper wasps construct smaller paper nests. Although the little colonies are relatively manageable, they exhibit moderate levels of aggression. The simplest way to control these nests is to catch them early, when there are only one or two wasps on them.

The annoying wasps that scuttle around your picnic and crawl inside your soda can are called yellow jacket wasps. They can be rather aggressive and will sting if not provoked. Unfortunately, they can also make their nests behind walls or underground in places like your attic.

Paper wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets in particular, have the tendency to be more persistent and hostile.as well as yellow jackets, who are infamous for scavenging our sugary human foods and beverages. It will not help to swat at them. Limiting their exposure and keeping your food sealed will.

It can be more problematic to come into contact with a full colony of these insects. If you come upon a sizable wasp or hive, cautiously and silently leave the area. Again, you should be alright if you don’t bother them. Your best course of action is to RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN AWAY FROM THE NEST to avoid an attack and being stung. Generally speaking, wasps and bees have a protective area surrounding their nests; if you venture outside of it, you should be safe.

We hope you enjoyed this information and it is our recommendation that you hire a licensed exterminator if you notice an issue. Stings can be harmful, particularly if you are among the approximately 1% of Americans who may be allergic to them.



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